Friday, April 8, 2011

Expedition Earth: A Journey Through God's World

Another great giveaway this week from Confessions of A Homeschooler....Expedition Earth: A Journey Through God's World. This curriculum studies 31 countries across the globe with hands on activities, crafts and recipes.
If you have never checked out this blog, you should it is soooo good!! She has lots of great ideas for learning....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Confessions of a Homeschooler

As many of you know by now, we have decided to homeschool Anna Grace. I am very excited, yet nervous, but know that this is what we are supposed to do. We have prayed long and hard and had MANY confirmations that we are doing the right thing.

Of course, I have searched for information on homeschooling and found this WONDERFUL BLOG She is glad that I found her!! I found her blog about 9 months ago and thought I made it a favorite,but did I was really upset....and had to research and find it...took me months to find it....AND was not in my history....ughhhh...but I did and so glad.
AsI read her posts, etc. we are so alike in our style of teaching, etc. so...I will be referring often.

Almost weekly, she does a giveaway. This week she is giving away her very own curriculum....RoadTrip USA: A Journey Across the United States....I am really hoping I win this....I would be so excited....if not we will be ordering for K5!! Anyway, check her out and you will not be disappointed...she has sooo many cool things....printouts, etc...