Saturday, January 3, 2009

God Never Lets us Down...

I was thinking tonight as I was cutting out the Shepherd's staffs and some characteristics of God for Children's Church in the morning...(a little behind with the holidays, so working last minute on a Sat. night, not so fun!)....

I know in the last few weeks I have let sooo many people down. I am human and I cannot be all things to all people at all times. That is sooo hard because I am a fixer and a doer...I have so many people surrounding me who are facing many issues. I have to realize that I am not the source of everyone's strenght, guidance, healing, comfort, guide, etc. I am only a channel through which the Loving Father flows. It is He who decides the outcome and at which time that should take place. I have to accept that no matter how compelled I feel to help the outcome ...Anyway, as I was cutting out the Shepherd's staffs for in the morning (the children are going to paste things that God are to them....the idea was for them to come up with them but since there are a large number of younger children this was a better option.) I was reflecting all that God had been to me...He has been my Alpha and Omega, my Redeemer, my Savior, Healer, Protector, Guide, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, on and on and on..... I was amazed.
No matter what you may be facing at this current moment..reflect back and look at all the things the Lord has blessed you with and what all He has done for you...You are the apple of His eye...Just think..He loved us enough to lay down HIS LIFE for us...are we willing to lay down OUR LIVES for Him? Are we willing to give up some things to make more room for Him? To follow what God has called you to do? I know that in the upcoming year I need to lay aside some things so that I can focus more on what the Father has called me to!! I hope and pray that each one of us can look back this time a year from now and say that we are closer now that we were before...our relationship with the Most High has grown by leaps and bounds. The choice is ours...sometimes we wonder how in the world can God show us anything else..but it amazes me...He is forever revealing Himself to me and making our relationship fresh and new all over again and taking me to new heights and levels in which I did not even know was possible!! WOW! What a God!